



Author: Valerie Jauregui/Monday, April 29, 2024/Categories: Quinton Anthony

It's critical to recognise and nurture your resilience to help you navigate life's twists and turns.

In this insights piece, we will equip you with the tools you need to recharge your resilience battery and build a strong foundation for success.

1. Recognise your resilience

Is your resilience battery full, or do you need to recharge?

In the face of challenges, failures, periods of pressure or crises, your resilience will determine how you cope, respond, bounce forward, and adapt to your new circumstances. If you are not bouncing back as well or as swiftly as usual, this may be a sign to prioritise yourself and your resilience. The good news is that resilience is like a muscle you can strengthen. Patience is key; building resilience is a gradual process.

2. Strengthen your foundations

What can you focus on to build and sustain your resilience?

Positive psychology offers a proven, evidence-based model for cultivating resilience encapsulated in the PERMAH model. Here is how you can strengthen your resilience using PERMAH:

Positive Emotion: Embrace the full spectrum of your emotions without judgment. Practice gratitude and mindfulness to appreciate the good in your life.

Engagement: Dedicate time to activities that bring you joy and immerse you in a state of flow, whether work-related or personal hobbies.

Relationships: Invest in meaningful connections with loved ones. Setting boundaries when work encroaches on personal time is crucial for maintaining balance.

Meaning: Reflect on what gives your life purpose and significance. Understanding your values helps anchor resilience in challenging times.

Achievement: Set goals that motivate and challenge you. Working towards milestones fosters a sense of accomplishment and drive.

Health: Prioritise self-care through exercise, nutrition, and adequate rest. Nurturing your physical and mental wellbeing is essential for resilience.

3. Face your current stressors

What can you do about stress in the here and now?

Begin by distinguishing between what you can control or influence and what is beyond your grasp. Challenge yourself to think critically and creatively. Often, we overlook potential solutions, assuming our stressors are completely out of our hands. Consider brainstorming ideas with supportive individuals to explore fresh perspectives and alternative actions. Empower yourself to confront challenges with resourcefulness and resilience.

4. Take control by taking action

How can you harness your influence over your circumstances?

Take action - this might involve being brave or stepping outside your comfort zone. Anticipate barriers to a successful outcome. If needed, plan your response and set targets for yourself. If it is a complex situation, break down your bigger goal into smaller, more tangible actions within your reach.

5. Practice acceptance

How do you respond when you cannot take action?

Accepting the uncontrollable is perhaps the most challenging aspect of dealing with stress. Instead of dwelling on factors outside your control, employ diffusion techniques to shift your perspective. These methods help us disengage from unproductive thoughts and feelings. Whilst mastering diffusion takes time and practice, the benefits are profound. If you want to know more about cognitive diffusion techniques, contact us so we can point you in the right direction.

